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Origin of Marriage

Origin of Marriage

I want you to know the truth.

I want you to take you in the beginning. (Genesis)

World's first marriage of mankind.

Adam & Eve - A beautifull marriage scene.

I hope you all know this story, still have you ever thought?

God made Adam out of the dust (Genesis 2:7). Why didn’t He make Eve out of the dust? Why did He make her from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:21-22)?

I believe God did it to show Adam that his wife was a part of him, equal with him, not a lower creation. A man is to cherish his wife as his own flesh (Ephesians 5:28-29). As has often been observed, she was not taken from Adam’s head to rule over him, nor from his feet, that he should put her down, but she was taken from his side that he would protect her and keep her close to his heart.

God didn't created Adam & Eve on the same time. God first created Adam and let him to feel the need for a wife. God given the garden of Eden in the hands of Adam, which has many possession and loving animals/birds, etc but these living creatures may become a man’s best friend, but it could not satisfy Adam’s need for companionship. Only a woman could.

God sometimes makes us endure loneliness so that when the need is met, we appreciate it more. I felt the need of companion to get married soon, when I lost my Dad on 26th Dec, 2015 and my Mom's health getting bad. Till then I haven't thought of a marriage. By then I really felt the need.

God prepares us to receive His gifts and then provides for our needs. We need to thank God for the partner He has given us and express our appreciation to that partner. God designed this marriage, including everyone's marriage for a reason. Let us be glad of it and taste the essence of family life. God Bless You!

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