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How languages came in world? (Know It!)

After the 40 days & 40 nights flood of the earth, God had told Noah and his sons that He won't flood the earth again. And He also told them to have many children who would live ALL OVER the earth.

Noah's three sons began to have many children. But at first the people did not spread all over the earth. Instead they all stayed together.

Now at that time they all spoke the same language, they were same color and everything same to same.

As they moved from place to place, they came to a plain in the land that was later called Babylonia.

They decided to build a very high tower, so that they can escape from the flood, if God floods the earth again. And they've started to make bricks and build a city.

They said, "Let us build a tower that reaches high into the sky and make a name for ourselves, so that we will not be scattered all over the earth."

When God saw what they were doing, and how their proud and disobedience increased. He said, "These are all one people with just one language. This is just the beginning of what they will be able to do. Soon nothing will be too hard for them. Let us go down and mix up their language so that the people will speak many different languages."

Therefore they could not understand one another, the work stopped on the tower.

The city was named Babel or Babylon, a name which means "mixed up."

The people who spoke the same language began to move away together and so many people were scattered all over the world.

Due to their moving on to different places in groups, their color changed, their living style changed, all changed.

Most of Japheth's children moved toward Europe; most of Ham's children stayed in Asia. Shem had a great-grandson named Eber and Eber's children were called Hebrews.

This is one of the story of Bible which tells us how different different languages came and people scattered all over the earth. ( Genesis 11 : 1 - 9)

Remember always; God had only created different languages, so that people will move all over the earth. But we people moved and there we have created different-different cultures, high-low castes, up-down traditions, rich-poor values, small-big classes, good-bad rules and regulations, etc.

We all were one only! We all are equal only! Unite! Stop Racism!

God Bless You!

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