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Burden of Sins - A Thief's Story! (Read!)

In a huge jungle, there lived a dangerous thief with his small family (His wife, daughter & son).

Every night he used to steal everything from the peoples, who passes through this jungle.

If anyone refuses him, then he kills them on the spot, without any mercy.

In this way, he fulfills all his family needs and desires to seek a happy family life.

One night, a Pastor passes through this jungle and get caught by this dangerous thief.

Thief says: "Whatever you have, gave it to me now or else your life will be taken by me now."

Pastor replies: "My dear, other than these white clothes which I wore, I've nothing."

Thief checks him carefully and sadly finds nothing in Him.

Pastor asks: "My son, why do you do all these evil things, and what you've gained from these?"

Thief answers: "I share these stolen things with my family to see them happy always."

Hearing to this, Pastor asks: "My child, do you know, you're doing a sin against the Lord, and you'll get severe punishments for all these evil things which you do to others!

And do you think, your family will take part in your punishments or take fully on themselves, for whom you share with."

Thief replies with a smile: "Yes! Of course! No doubt! My family will surely take part in my punishments as my stolen things are shared with them only."

Pastor says: "Then go to your home and ask your family members once and come back to me." Thenafter thief ties both the hands of a Pastor to the tree and ran towards his home.

Thief askes his wife: "If God gives me severe punishments for all these evil things which I do these for you, then will you take part in these, for me?"

Hearing to this, his wife answers immediately: Why should I take part in your punishments?


"Isn't it your responsibility to keep your married wife happy, by any means?"

Thief shocks & asks his daughter: "If God gives me severe punishments for all these evil things which I do these for you, then will you take part in these, for me?"

Hearing to this, his daughter answers politely: Why should I take part in your punishments? & "Isn't it your responsibility to keep your daughter happy by any means, until she get marry?"

Thief shocks & askes his one and only son: "If God gives me severe punishments for all these evil things which I do these for you, then will you take part in these, for me?"

Hearing to this, his son answers slowly: Why should I take part in your punishments? & "Isn't it your responsibility to keep your begotten son happy by any means, until he grows up?"

Thief shocks completely by hearing his own family member words & ran back to the Pastor and frees him.

Thief cries with a loud voice and says: Dear Pastor, I was wrong, nobody in my family is ready to take part in my punishments. I think, now I'm alone to bear the punishments of God, for all my sins.

Pastor says: "My child, I know someone who can bear your punishments of all your sins, not only this He will take your full punishments on Himself, and you won't get harm by any means."

Suddenly thief askes with joyously: "Pastor, who is He? I'm in need of Him."

Pastor says: "He is none other than almighty 'Jesus Christ' alone, who loved you so much that He died for all your sins, crucified on the cross for your life and on the third day He rose from the deads and now He is in heaven.

Believe in Him, and believe in these words and do no more sin, so that your life shall not be perished but you have an ever and everlasting life.

From that day, this thief had repented his heart and accepted the Christ and did no more sins.

Nobody in this world can bear your punishments of all your sins, not even your family members, whom you think so.

It is only 'Jesus Christ' can take away your punishments, and can save your life, if you believe in Him to do so.

Repent Your Heart! May God Bless You!

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