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Money or Christ (Choose Yourself!)

We all run towards to achieve the pleasures of the world.

All these worldly pleasures looks attractive and it gives us a happiness for only time being.

But let me tell you my brothers and sisters, the pain which we'll receive after falling in these worldly pleasures, it will surely follows throughout our life.

Earn & spend money to live a life, rather than spending full life to earn money, money & money only.

Bible says "He is a rich fool" who spend his whole life to gain only wealth and doing no good to needy peoples; as he earns no fruit for his soul.

It also says that, "It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, but its impossible for a rich man to pass-in through the gates of a Kingdom of God."

But let me tell you friends, adding to this, he also says after that, "For a man it is impossible, but being in Christ it is possible for a man to pass-in through the gates of a Kingdom of God."

When we accept the Christ and start thinking of all those creation which he had made for us and given to us (whole universe and all the nature of this world).

Then we'll surely realize that, how small are these worldly man-made things, which leads us to sin.

Moses got a chance to be a king of Egypt and can enjoy all the worldly pleasures.

But he chooses God and accept a simple "Rod" given by Lord, to lead his people from out-of-slavery.

Red sea turned into two parts and made a way to him and his peoples, when this rod is shown.

This shows the goodness & everlasting life which comes from the Christ.

Be different and make difference.

Be in Christ and love others as you love yourself.

Because nobody knows when this little life is going to an end.

God Bless You!

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