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Frog Race Competition (Inspiring Story)

There was once a Tiny old frog, who arranged a running race competition.

The goal was to reach at the top of a very high tower.

A big crowd gathered around the tower for the race and some to cheer on the contestants.

The Race Begins...

No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach at the top of the tower.

They shouted and gossiping with each other.

Oh God, This is too difficult!!!

We'll NEVER reach at top!!!

Not at all possible!!!

No.. No.. No chance at all..!

The tower is so so.. High..!

The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one except for those who, in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher...

The crowd continued to yell, Oh.. It’s too difficult! No one will make it! Ho.. Let us leave it!

More tiny frogs got tired and gave up…



Only one continued higher and higher. This one hadn’t give up! And he reached the top.

Everyone wanted to know how this one little frog managed such a great feat.

What was his secret, how he made it???






Do you want to know his secret???

The Secret of his success...

This little frog was DEAF!

*Moral of the Story*

Ignore the negative thoughts and don't listen to others who pulls down. Stay positive.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3 : 5)

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